Oh William!

Oh William! Elizabeth Strout


Oh William! (Amgash #3)

Through her careful words and reverberating silences (The New York Times), Elizabeth Strout has long captured readers' hearts with her spare, exquisite insights on family, relationships, and loss. And never has her perfect attunement to the human condition (Hilary Mantel) been so evident as in these pages, as Strout's iconic heroine Lucy Barton, of My Name Is Lucy Barton, recounts her complex, tender relationship with William, her first husband--and longtime, on-again-off-again friend and confidant. Recalling their college years, through the birth of their daughters, the painful dissolution of their marriage, and the lives they built with other people, Strout weaves a portrait, stunning in its subtlety, of a decades-long partnership.

A masterful exploration of human empathy, Oh William! captures the joy and pain of watching children grow up and start families of their own; of discovering family secrets, late in life, that rearrange everything we think we know about those closest to us; and the way people live and love, despite the variety of obstacles we face in doing so. And at the heart of this story is the unforgettable, indomitable voice of Lucy Barton, who once again offers a profound, lasting reflection on the very nature of existence. This is the way of life, Lucy says. The many things we do not know until it is too late.

Drama / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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Oh William!
Oh William!


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Grandes reflexões
on 21/4/23

O livro acompanha uma senhora nos seus 60 e poucos anos e é dividido em 2 partes: na primeira ela relembra os momentos do seu casamento com seu 1o marido, William e é um misto de emoções, senti raiva do William em alguns momentos e, em outros, agradeci a ele por ter cuidado da Lucy. E imagino que assim que a Lucy também se sentiu, o William é um personagem real. Na segunda parte do livro, William e Lucy viajam juntos para descobrir um pedaço da infância do William e também é uma jornad... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
17/11/2021 11:49:52
editou em:
17/11/2021 11:50:15

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