Off the Beaten Path

Off the Beaten Path Madison Wright


Off the Beaten Path

A Small Town Single Dad Romantic Comedy

Wren Daniels is in over her head.

Between organizing a charity auction and trying to renovate a cabin she can’t afford, she’s barely keeping her head above water. The only bright spot is her new friend she met on an anonymous dating app four months ago. That is, until she discovers he’s the last person she would have expected—her grumpy neighbor who she’s never gotten along with.

Holden Blankenship likes his life just the way it is.

After his wife left him, he spent years putting his life back together. Now he’s got his daughter who is the light of his world, his family, and surprisingly, an anonymous friend. But when his anonymous friend turns out to be his neighbor who drives him crazy, he’s not sure what to make of it. Especially when her contractor backs out of her cabin renovation project and he finds himself offering to help her. Now Wren is getting under his skin in a completely different way and turning all his carefully laid plans upside down.

As Wren continues to show up for Holden and Holden keeps proving to Wren that he’s not really as standoffish as he seems, the lines between friendship and more start to blur.

Their relationship may have gotten off to an unusual start, but some of the best things in life are just a little off the beaten path.


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Off the Beaten Path


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on 20/3/24

Eu ameeeeeei esse livro! Confesso que sou muito chata pra dar 5 estrelas, mas esse merece! Ri, chorei, briguei com os personagens e me apaixonei pelo Holden junto com a Wren ? A dinâmica do casal é maravilhosa, sem muita enrolação e na medida certa do enemies to lovers! June é uma preciosidade, refletindo todo o esforço da família que a cria, e seu jeito de amar deixa o coração quentinho demais ? Como swifitie, eu AMEI todas as referências e o uso constante das friendship bracelets... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 14
ranking 21
ranking 64
ranking 14
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cadastrou em:
05/02/2024 17:40:14
editou em:
05/02/2024 17:40:44

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