No One Has To Know

No One Has To Know Carin Hart


No One Has To Know

He loves me, he loves me not...
Angela I love flowers. Being a botanist has always been my dream, but life got in the way-and, nowadays, I have a job at the flower shop near my crummy apartment. So that's something, right? Maybe it's not in the best neighborhood, but it's a bright spot in a dirty city, and at least there are usually cops around.
I've noticed one in particular lately, keeping an eye on the shop. Officer Mason Burns. I'm friendly enough-though I can't bring myself to trust anyone in a uniform after what happened to me a couple of years ago-and that ends up working in my favor when I'm attacked for the shop's deposit one night.
Burns comes to my rescue, arresting the would-be robber with the knife, and I'm super grateful for his help.

I also have handcuffs and a gun, but they're not my only weapons. When it comes to Angela Havers, my best one is a deceptively charming smile.

...and no one has to know.

** This is a dark romance - including stalking and captivity - and is written for adults. It has mature themes and language, and a hero who thinks he knows exactly what the heroine wants... and if she doesn't, she eventually will. There is also a HEA, though I do recommend readers check the 'look inside' for the foreword before committing to reading


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No One Has To Know


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Louco, bom e curto. Uma vibe meio haunting Adeline, sabe?
on 2/9/23

É meio óbvio, pela sinopse, que é um dark romance, já que o enredo vira entorno do sequestro e obsessão que o Mason, policial, tem pela Angela. Dito isto, é um conto breve que retrata a obsessão de Mason Burns, um homem da lei, por Angela, uma florista, que em seu primeiro contato com Burns o presenteou com um margarida que desencadeou o lado obcecado do homem. Mason é stalker mesmo, então se você for sensível a isso esteja avisado, a própria autora deixa claro em uma nota inicial qu... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.0 / 42
ranking 5
ranking 47
ranking 23
ranking 19
ranking 7



cadastrou em:
10/07/2023 01:53:02
editou em:
10/07/2023 01:53:15

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