Neighbor Dearest

Neighbor Dearest Penelope Ward


Neighbor Dearest

After getting dumped, the last thing I needed was to move next door to someone who reminded me of my ex-boyfriend, Elec.

Damien was a hotter version of my ex.

The neighbor I’d dubbed “Angry Artist” also had two massive dogs that kept me up with their barking.

He wanted nothing to do with me. Or so I thought until one night I heard laughter coming through an apparent hole in my bedroom wall.

Damien had been listening to all of my phone sessions with my therapist.

The sexy artist next door now knew all of my deepest secrets and insecurities.

We got to talking.

He set me straight with tips to get over my breakup.

He became a good friend, but Damien made it clear that he couldn’t be anything more.

Problem was, I was falling hard for him anyway. And as much as he pushed me away, I knew he felt the same…because his heartbeat didn’t lie.

I thought my heart had been broken by Elec, but it was alive and beating harder than ever for Damien.

I just hoped he wouldn’t shatter it for good.

Erótico / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Gostando de ser surpreendida.
on 16/9/16

Estou espantada com o quanto amei esse livro. Fui apaixonada pelo Meu Querido Meio-Irmão, e achei que o livro da Chelsea iria ser fraquinho, sem graça, porque não achei possível, como vi em algumas resenhas, ter um favorito ao não ser um livro 1, dentre os dois. Massssss, cá estou yo, amando loucamente a Chelsea e o Damien, loucamente, emocionalmente balançada, deixando o Elec pra escanteio enquando apreciei demais demais essa história. Um livro que é carregado de emoção as... leia mais


Avaliações 4.2 / 743
ranking 45
ranking 38
ranking 14
ranking 2
ranking 1



Jessica A
cadastrou em:
08/07/2016 16:47:16
Nina Barb
editou em:
06/08/2017 11:52:07

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