Mini Shopaholic

Mini Shopaholic Sophie Kinsella


Mini Shopaholic

Shopaholic #6

Becky Brandon thinks that having a daughter is a dream come true: a shopping friend for life! But two-year-old Minnie has a quite different approach to shopping. The toddler creates havoc everywhere she goes, from Harrods to her own christening. Her favorite word is “Mine!” and she’s even trying to get into eBay! On top of everything else, Becky and Luke are still living with her parents (the deal on house #4 has fallen through), when suddenly there’s a huge nationwide financial crisis.

With people having to cut back, Becky decides to throw a surprise party for Luke to cheer everyone up. But when costs start to spiral out of control, she must decide whether to accept help from an unexpected source—and therefore run the risk of hurting the person she loves.

Will Becky be able to pull off the celebration of the year? Will she and Luke ever find a home of their own? Will Minnie ever learn to behave? And . . . most important . . . will Becky’s secret wishes ever come true?

Edições (4)

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Mini Shopaholic
Mini Shopaholic
Mini Shopaholic
Mini Shopaholic


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Resenhas para Mini Shopaholic (9)

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Becky é Becky!
on 16/5/11

Eu precisava ler um chick-lit que me fizesse rir depois de passar por alguns dias tortuosos lendo "O Último Trem de Hiroshima" e nada melhor que Becky Bloom para isso. Não há maneiras de comparar Sophie Kinsela com autores de clássicos, mas dentro do seu gênero, na minha opinião, é uma das melhores. O livro começa, assim como os outros, com o jargão “Don’t Panic” da Becky. Ela está no shopping fazendo compras natalinas com a família, incluindo sua filha de 2 anos Minnie. Já dá pra no... leia mais


Avaliações 4.2 / 120
ranking 48
ranking 32
ranking 15
ranking 4
ranking 1



Lari :D
cadastrou em:
05/07/2013 22:23:28

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