Maybe in Another Life

Maybe in Another Life Taylor Jenkins Reid


Maybe in Another Life

From the acclaimed author of Forever, Interrupted and After I Do comes a breathtaking new novel about a young woman whose fate hinges on the choice she makes after bumping into an old flame; in alternating chapters, we see two possible scenarios unfold—with stunningly different results.

At the age of twenty-nine, Hannah Martin still has no idea what she wants to do with her life. She has lived in six different cities and held countless meaningless jobs since graduating college. On the heels of leaving yet another city, Hannah moves back to her hometown of Los Angeles and takes up residence in her best friend Gabby’s guestroom. Shortly after getting back to town, Hannah goes out to a bar one night with Gabby and meets up with her high school boyfriend, Ethan.

Just after midnight, Gabby asks Hannah if she’s ready to go. A moment later, Ethan offers to give her a ride later if she wants to stay. Hannah hesitates. What happens if she leaves with Gabby? What happens if she leaves with Ethan?

In concurrent storylines, Hannah lives out the effects of each decision. Quickly, these parallel universes develop into radically different stories with large-scale consequences for Hannah, as well as the people around her. As the two alternate realities run their course, Maybe in Another Life raises questions about fate and true love: Is anything meant to be? How much in our life is determined by chance? And perhaps, most compellingly: Is there such a thing as a soul mate?

Hannah believes there is. And, in both worlds, she believes she’s found him.

Ficção / Drama / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (3)

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Maybe in Another life
Maybe in Another Life
Maybe in Another Life


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Forever, Interrupted
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Resenhas para Maybe in Another Life (262)

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"Everything is happening exactly as it's supposed to."
on 15/8/21

É simplesmente incrível como a Taylor não decepciona nunca, sua escrita deixa tudo tão leve e fluida. A ideia que o livro apresenta foi diferente de tudo o que já tinha lido,a autora divide toda a história em duas linhas de futuros diferentes baseado nos acontecimentos que decorrem durante o livro, com toda certeza deixou mais intrigante. Poder acompanhar todo o desenvolvimento da Hannah é empolgante, independente do caminho que foi seguido, ela consegue encontrar sua felicidade. O m... leia mais


Avaliações 4.0 / 1.285
ranking 34
ranking 46
ranking 16
ranking 3
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19/05/2015 15:33:19
gilmore girlie
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05/07/2020 00:51:42

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