Mages in Manhattan

Mages in Manhattan Phil Gabriel


Mages in Manhattan

After his battle with Jorgumo, Scott is battered psychically and physically, rapidly aged to near-death. He only wants to rest and recuperate to regain his youth.A business reversal that threatens his income, as well as many of his projects, forces him to schedule a visit to New York City. The city whose Witches Council banned free Magicians like Scott over one hundred years ago. At the height of his powers, Scott laughed at the ban. Now, knowing that his weakened condition makes such a trip risky, he asks his ally from the battle with Jorgumo, Kitty-Sue, to accompany him on the business trip as his bodyguard. When Kitty-Sue jokingly refers to their upcoming travel as a "honeymoon," Akiko, Scott's Mage apprentice, also insists on coming.Scott just wants to take care of business and return to Tokyo. A pack of Wolf Shifters has other ideas. They want exclusive use of Scott's magical devices. Scott binds the Alpha of the Pack, Drake Frost, to an Oath of nonviolence against Scott and his friends. Drake, enraged by Scott's actions, hatches a plan to evade the Oath by allying with the Witches' Coven of New York. With the aid of the witches, Scott's friends, Kitty-Sue and Akiko, are kidnapped.Complicating the mission is Jackie, the spirit that inhabits the Statue of Liberty. Jackie is a powerful mystical entity who can help solve Scott's problems. She might even be willing to overlook that fact that Scott hasn't called her since their last date in the '80s (to see Ghostbusters).Beset on all sides by the Wolves of Wall Street, the Witches Council, and a jealous god level entity, can Scott, Kitty-Sue, and Akiko survive as the only remaining "Mages in Manhattan?"

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