Love at First

Love at First Kate Clayborn


Love at First

An Uplifting and Unforgettable Story of Love and Second Chances

An Uplifting and Unforgettable Story of Love and Second Chances. A sparkling and tender novel full of bickering neighbors, surprise reunions, and the mysterious power of love.

Sixteen years ago, a teenaged Will Sterling saw—or rather, heard—the girl of his dreams. Standing beneath an apartment building balcony, he shared a perfect moment with a lovely, warm-voiced stranger. It’s a memory that’s never faded, though he’s put so much of his past behind him. Now an unexpected inheritance has brought Will back to that same address, where he plans to offload his new property and get back to his regular life as an overworked doctor. Instead, he encounters a woman, two balconies above, who’s uncannily familiar . . .

No matter how surprised Nora Clarke is by her reaction to handsome, curious Will, or the whispered pre-dawn conversations they share, she won’t let his plans ruin her quirky, close-knit building. Bound by her loyalty to her adored grandmother, she sets out to foil his efforts with a little light sabotage. But beneath the surface of their feud is an undeniable connection. A balcony, a star-crossed couple, a fateful meeting—maybe it’s the kind of story that can't work out in the end. Or maybe, it’s the perfect second chance . . .

Chick-lit / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Love at First


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Love At First é um romance fofo e divertido. Foi meu primeiro contato com a Kate e pode ter certeza que vou conferir seus outros trabalhos. Adorei o desenvolvimento entre Nora e Will. Logo no começo do livro, vemos como Will conhece Nora e esta não sabe da sua existência até que ele herda um apartamento em seu prédio. Da parte de Will foi amor à primeira vista um tanto embaçada. Já Nora vai ter que superar sua atração pelo médico que quer acabar com a rotina e estabilidade dos morad... leia mais


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Luiza Helena (@balaiodebabados)
cadastrou em:
05/02/2021 08:15:40
Luiza Helena (@balaiodebabados)
editou em:
05/02/2021 08:16:27

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