Marked by Fire

Marked by Fire Josy Stoque

Resenhas - Marked by Fire

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Josy.Stoque 23/02/2015

"Marked by fire
I just enjoyed this book. I like books I don't want to put down. And wait for the next one to come out." Carla Stout

Page after page the author kept me reading hating to put the book down. Wanting to find the answers. Now I must find what the author will write next." Newcastleon

"Five Stars
Loved this book and am looking forward to the rest of them!!!" Alaskan Annie

"Four Stars
I am enjoying the whole series" hazel, hayfever

"Marked by fire
Marked by fire was good and different . Will be interesting to see how the next books develop and tie together."

"Interesting plot not enough development
I realize this is the start to a series; I just expected more development. it took me a long time to get into the book and wished the story had been less confusing to start" Tracey Bell

"Marked by fire. The four elements saga book 1
An easy read which I thoroughly enjoyed. My biggest disappointment is that the crest of the saga have not been translated.
I'm left wanting book 2 ..." Mrs. Rachael Peddie Temple

"Five Stars
Can't wait to read the other books in the series." Peter Gwatkin

"Oh my god
Fantastic read country put it down great,narratives and set story just unwind can't wait to read the next book in the series" lorell on

"A great story line
What a great book, I have read almost non stop for the last 2 days. Ca n knot wait to read the next one." MaryLou Rogers

"Marked by Fire (The Four Elements Saga) Josy Stoque
I liked this book ,a slightly different supernatural tale.It had lots of characters and was quite deep in places.Not sure this one has encouraged me to want the next one in the saga.but a good read on its own anyway." C. A.T

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