Here To Stay (English Edition)

Here To Stay (English Edition) Mark Edwards

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Mary Angel 10/08/2022

Flawed, but served its purpose
I was looking for a gripping read that could take me out of my current reading slump, nothing necessarily profound, just something that could entertain me and keep me engaged throughout. This book served its purpose! I stood up until now finishing it? unable to put my Kindle aside. So, I guess I can say, ?Hurray! What a victory!?

However this book is very flawed. The main characters are so bland, poorly written, and give us very little to root for.

I am a lousy predictor, so when I do predict stuff it?s because it was either very poorly disguised or one of the author?s more obvious first choices. The twists that were revealed during the climax were sufficiently beyond my radar and they did pack a punch (props to the climax, by the way!), but the last chapter?s twist, the one that should be the most gut-wrenching, had been predicted by me a hundred pages before.

The problem with the last chapter is not exactly that, in fact! The major revelation being predictable was not totally a bad thing because the clues had been laid out fairly across the story and along with its revelation came the disclosure of another, very important fact in terms of character development. But how the author decided to wrap up the book after the big reveal (and how that came across the last sentences) was so disappointing! There could have been plenty of other, much more satisfying ways!!

The writing itself feels very uninspired and the dialogues are often immature and even childish. I don?t know if it was just an impression of mine, but I was sometimes turned off by the Dick Van Dyke-esque air of fake Britishness that the characters exuded, and I couldn?t help but blame that on the author being American.

But overall, because it served the purpose I had imposed it, the book leaves me with a satisfied feeling. I felt more engaged reading it than in a long while. Despite the protagonists being tasteless, the antagonists are so vile, repugnant and loathsome that I harbored such a deep anger towards them and couldn?t help but wish the main character?s plans somehow came through? ? leaving me with a huge moral dilemma in hand!

bookish_ginger 03/03/2022

Want my time back
I finished it very, very quickly. I read it fast, but not in that "Oh My! This is so good I?ve got to know what happens next!" way? more in the "Oh My! This is so bad I just want it to be over!" way.

If you like incredibly stupid, unrealistic characters dumped down in the middle of stupid, unrealistic situations in a stupid, unrealistic plot with stupid, unrealistic twists that come as no surprise whatsoever, then THIS is the book for you!

I hated every single character in this story (REALLY). The cat is the only likeable one - but only probably because this horrible author cannot come up with nonsensical dialogues for him.

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