There Goes My Heart

There Goes My Heart Bella Andre


There Goes My Heart (The Sullivans #20)

Rory Sullivan, a renowned artisan woodworker, has no plans to fall in love anytime soon. Especially not with Zara Mirren, who shares a converted warehouse space with him in Bar Harbor, Maine. While she is a brilliant maker--the eyeglasses frames she designs are practically works of art--everything else about her drives him bonkers. The way she's always whistling cheesy pop songs off-key. The way her half-drunk cups of coffee litter every available countertop. And especially the way he can't take his eyes off her whenever she enters a room...or stop thinking about her after she leaves.

Zara loves everything about her career--designing and manufacturing bright, fun glasses frames fulfills both the creative and technical sides of her brain. The only downside to coming to work is bumping into irritating, far-too-handsome-for-his-own-good Rory Sullivan...even if she secretly enjoys the zingers they throw at each other. On the plus side, thinking up new ways to torment Rory on a daily basis has helped Zara stop dwelling on the fact that her ex-boyfriend cheated on her with her stepsister.

But when Zara learns that her ex and her stepsister have just become engaged, she's doubly stunned by Rory's suggestion to go as her pretend boyfriend to their engagement party, in a one-night truce where they'll be a team rather than adversaries. Only, when it turns out that the sparks between them disguise a deeper passion--and bigger emotional connection--than either has ever known, will both Rory and Zara end up losing their hearts to the last person they could have imagined?

THERE GOES MY HEART is part of Bella Andre's New York Times and USA Today #1 bestselling series about The Sullivans. While it can easily be read as a stand-alone story, you'll likely enjoy reading the other books, too.


Edições (2)

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There Goes My Heart
There Goes My Heart


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The Way You Look Tonight
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