If We Were Villains

If We Were Villains M.L. Rio


If We Were Villains

Enter the players. There were seven of us then, seven bright young things with wide precious futures ahead of us. Until that year, we saw no further than the books in front of our faces.

On the day Oliver Marks is released from jail, the man who put him there is waiting at the door. Detective Colborne wants to know the truth, and after ten years, Oliver is finally ready to tell it.

Ten years ago: Oliver is one of seven young Shakespearean actors at Dellecher Classical Conservatory, a place of keen ambition and fierce competition. In this secluded world of firelight and leather-bound books, Oliver and his friends play the same roles onstage and off: hero, villain, tyrant, temptress, ingénue, extra. But in their fourth and final year, the balance of power begins to shift, good-natured rivalries turn ugly, and on opening night real violence invades the students’ world of make believe. In the morning, the fourth-years find themselves facing their very own tragedy, and their greatest acting challenge yet: convincing the police, each other, and themselves that they are innocent.

Part coming-of-age story, part confession, If We Were Villains explores the magical and dangerous boundary between art and life. In this tale of loyalty and betrayal, madness and ecstasy, the players must choose what roles to play before the curtain falls.

Ficção / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (5)

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If We Were Villains
If We Were Villains
If We Were Villains
If We Were Villains


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Muito intenso e envolvente.
on 6/7/21

Está aqui um livro bem clássicão de Dark Academia: ambiente universitário sinistro, clássicos ao redor, relacionamentos problemáticos, dinâmicas suspeitas e muita rivalidade no ar. Eu fiquei muito envolvida na vibe do livro, nos primeiros capítulos já entrei bem na história e não queria sair. Como algumas pessoas já falaram aqui, é bom ter um conhecimento básico de Shakespeare. A autora aqui exibe com muita ostentação o conhecimento desse dramaturgo, porque uns 20% deste livro d... leia mais

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[Eu li] If we were villains, M. L. Rio | Dark

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Camila Queiroz
cadastrou em:
03/02/2017 14:15:53
editou em:
28/08/2023 19:31:24

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