The Kind Worth Killing

The Kind Worth Killing Peter Swanson


The Kind Worth Killing

On a night flight from London to Boston, Ted Severson meets the stunning and mysterious Lily Kintner. Sharing one too many martinis, the strangers begin to play a game of truth, revealing very intimate details about themselves. Ted talks about his marriage that’s going stale and his wife, Miranda, who he’s sure is cheating on him. Ted and his wife were a mismatch from the start—he the rich businessman, she the artistic free spirit—a contrast that once inflamed their passion, but has now become a cliché.

But their game turns a little darker when Ted jokes that he could kill Miranda for what she’s done. Lily, without missing a beat, says calmly, “I’d like to help.” After all, some people are the kind worth killing, like a lying, stinking, cheating spouse. . . .

Back in Boston, Ted and Lily’s twisted bond grows stronger as they begin to plot Miranda's demise. But there are a few things about Lily’s past that she hasn’t shared with Ted, namely her experience in the art and craft of murder, a journey that began in her very precocious youth.

Suddenly these co-conspirators are embroiled in a chilling game of cat-and-mouse, one they both cannot survive . . . with a shrewd and very determined detective on their tail.

Suspense e Mistério

Edições (4)

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The Kind Worth Killing
The Kind Worth Killing
The Kind Worth Killing
The Kind Worth Killing


Resenhas para The Kind Worth Killing (4)

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on 18/3/22

Achei ok. Não gostei de NENHUM personagem, mas acho que esse meio que era o propósito. Até agora não sei se tava torcendo pra dar tudo certo ou tudo errado kkkkk Achei meio cansativas as partes que repetiam o capítulo anterior, na visão de outro personagem. Especialmente quando já dava pra entender o que estava acontecendo de primeira. Achei a sinopse muito mais interessante do que o livro realmente foi. Não é ruim, mas não leria de novo.... leia mais


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ranking 44
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ranking 5
ranking 2



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05/10/2017 23:02:50

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