Night World No. 2

Night World No. 2 L. J. Smith


Night World No. 2

Dark Angel; The Chosen; Soulmate

In 'Dark Angel', Gillian is about to die. Then he appears - Angel - and becomes her secret prtector. She must give him absolute trust and obedience and in return he will make her the most sensational girl in the school. When all she's ever wanted is offered to her, surely there's a price to pay - as Gillian is about to find out as Angel draws her into the darkness of the Night World.

In 'The Chosen', Rashel kills vampires. But she is up against a huge dilemma: her soulmate, Quinn, traps human girls and feeds on their blood. He's a Night World ringleader. Love and loathing tear at Rashel's heart. Revenge is sweet. But is love sweeter? Can she live without him?

In 'Soulmate', something is haunting Hannah. Plagued by memories of a burning passion that has spanned the centuries and her past lives, she remembers her true love...her vampire lover, who is Lord of the Night World. And now her soulmate is back to pursue her again. And so is Hannah's ancient enemy...

Fantasia / Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (3)

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Dark Angel
Night World No. 2
Dark Angel


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O Despertar
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Resenhas para Night World No. 2 (3)

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"Estou apenas fazendo justiça. É o que os anjos fazem, sabe."
on 6/11/21

Infelizmente após o terceiro livro, a Galera Record parou de publicar "Mundo das Sombras". Como os livros são independentes entre si, apesar de todos se passarem no mesmo universo, isso não afeta a leitura dos anteriores. Mas como gostei muito da série, tive que continuá-la de outra forma. Confesso que durante boa parte desse livro estava me perguntando qual era seu propósito. Parecia faltar algo e ele era o mais diferente da série. Mas eu não devia subestimar L. J. Smith; ela sabia... leia mais


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ranking 28
ranking 34
ranking 5
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cadastrou em:
22/11/2009 21:34:17

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