Rush Too Far

Rush Too Far Abbi Glines


Rush Too Far (Rosemary Beach #4; Too Far #4)

After the worldwide success of Fallen Too Far and its two sequels, Never Too Far and Forever Too Far, Abbi Glines takes her readers back to the beginning with Rush Too Far.

Everyone in Rosemary Beach thinks they know how Rush Finlay and Blaire Wynn fell in love. But Rush is back to tell his side of the story...

Rush has earned every bit of his bad-boy reputation. The three-story beach house, luxury car, and line of girls begging for time between his sheets are the envy of every guy in Rosemary Beach, and Rush handles it all with the laid-back cool of a rock star’s son. All he needs are his best friend, Grant, and his sister, Nan.

Until Blaire Wynn drives into town in her beat-up pickup truck with a pistol under her seat. The Alabama farm girl instantly captures Rush’s attention once he discovers that the angelic beauty is his new stepsister, but he vows to keep his distance. Even if she needs his help. Even if he craves her.

Because Rush knows why Blaire is all alone in the world, forced to ask for help from the father who abandoned her three years ago. And he knows if he gets too close it will destroy Nan, who has a secret connection to Blaire.

He has every reason in the world to stay away from her. Find out why he doesn’t.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Rush Too Far


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When I
When You
Rush Sem Limites

Resenhas para Rush Too Far (10)

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Rush Too Far ( Rosemary Beach 1,1)
on 7/5/14

Foi bom revisitar o começo da história. Grant mostrando porque que eu sempre gostei dele desde o começo. E foi bom rever o Jace. Aiai Jace. Não tem nada de novo. É literalmente a mesma coisa de FALLEN TOO FAR ( PAIXÃO SEM LIMITES) só q com o Rush. Só isso msm. Contínuo odiando a Nan. Foi triste estar no final do primeiro livro novamente. Que dó do Rush que eu fiquei. Bom, pra quem ama o Rush vai ADORAR esse livro. ... leia mais


Avaliações 4.2 / 575
ranking 48
ranking 27
ranking 19
ranking 5
ranking 1



Camys Meneghini
cadastrou em:
26/08/2013 01:10:20
editou em:
28/01/2021 18:52:44

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