Every Day

Every Day David Levithan


Every Day

Every day a different body. Every day a different life. Every day in love with the same girl.

A has no friends. No parents. No family. No possessions. No home, even. Because every day, A wakes up in the body of a different person. Every morning, a different bed. A different room. A different house. A different life. A is able to access each person's memory, enough to be able to get through the day without parents, friends, and teachers realizing this is not their child, not their friend, not their student. Because it isn't. It's A. Inhabiting each person's body. Seeing the world through their eyes. Thinking with their brain. Speaking with their voice. It's a lonely existence--until, one day, it isn't. A meets a girl named Rhiannon. And, in an instant, A falls for her, after a perfect day together. But when night falls, it's over. Because A can never be the same person twice. But yet, A can't stop thinking about her. She becomes A's reason for existing. So each day, in different bodies--of all shapes, sizes, backgrounds, walks of life--A tries to get back to her. And convince her of their love. But can their love transcend such an obstacle?

Ficção / LGBT / GLS / Romance

Edições (3)

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Every Day
Every Day
Every Day


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Resenhas para Every Day (22)

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on 8/1/22

sinceramente, o romance é bem de canto comparado ao que eu senti sobre o personagem principal e o modo como ele foi criado e narrado pelo autor. absolutamente incrível com uma ideia INCRÍVEL. certo, a rhiannon é legal (embora tenha algumas partes em que ela seja meio er) e o fato de 'a' amar ela é adorável mas eu só conseguia pensar em todo resto. nele. nela. e em como ele se comporta sobre o mundo. também adorei o fato de a voz do narrador (ou narradora?) eu não chequei, ser muito uni... leia mais


Avaliações 4.0 / 424
ranking 39
ranking 37
ranking 20
ranking 3
ranking 1



Nina - Não Quero Trocar Livros
cadastrou em:
29/02/2012 19:00:54
editou em:
15/10/2018 10:36:35

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