Play With Me

Play With Me Becka Mack


Play With Me (Playing For Keeps #2)

Special Edition

I'm the star right winger for the Vancouver Vipers, an unstoppable force, fast as lightning. My dream come true, and I've worked my whole life to get here. I don't plan on giving it up, but if I want to keep playing hockey, I'm going to need all my limbs. To ensure my body parts stay intact, I only need to follow one simple rule.

Don't touch my captain's little sister.

Seems easy enough. She's snarky and bossy and has a mouth like a sailor. Truthfully, I'm bordering on the edge of terrified when she's around.

The problem is I've seen too much. Too much of her, inside and out. And now? Now I want more.

But she's my best friend's little sister, and nobody's ever been as off limits as Jennie Beckett is to me.

Her collection of toys is impressive, but I plan on showing her how a real man can make her vibrate without all the batteries. These hands can handle a hockey stick; surely they can handle her.

C’mon, Jennie. Play with me.

Play With Me is book #2 in the Playing For Keeps series, a series of interconnected standalone mature hockey romance stories that contain lots of heat, swoon, laughs, and a ride on an emotional rollercoaster! Each book can be read on its own, but for the richest reading experience, reading in order is recommended

Esportes / Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (5)

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Play With Me (ebook)
Play With Me
Play With Me
Play With Me


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on 25/1/24

Acho que todos deveriam ler esse livro, sério. Uma comédia romântica maravilhosa, não tenho nem palavras p dizer o quanto eu amei esse livro. Parece q foi feito p mim. Se eu fosse uma escritora, iria escrever exatamente esse. Os protagonistas cada vez mais apaixonantes, aprendi, ri e surtei com eles, o diálogo e a falta de comunicação presentes nesse livro, gente que coisa absurda de maravilhosa. O Garrett é meu top 3 protagonista fav, GRITA golden retriever, geralmente os livros q lei... leia mais


Avaliações 4.1 / 384
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cadastrou em:
19/02/2023 20:19:37
editou em:
21/02/2023 22:07:19

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