Could Have Been Us

Could Have Been Us Corinne Michaels


Could Have Been Us (Willow Creek Valley #2)

New York Times Bestselling author Corinne Michaels returns to the Willow Creek Valley Series in this stunning small town, brothers best friend romance. Fifteen years ago, I fell for Jack ODonnell. I was just a girl, but I knew my brothers best friend was the only man Id ever love. On my eighteenth birthday, when I asked him to kiss me, I never imagined it would change my life so completely. I gave Jack everything that night. In order to move on, we had to go our separate ways and pretend like nothing happened... as though it wasnt the greatest moment of my life. But even that wasnt as heartbreaking as the secret we were forced to keep. Ive tried not to think about how much I still love him. How I long to be back in his strong arms or the way his hazel eyes make my heart race. Until he kisses me again. And this time theres no turning back. This time I know what it means. We belong together and theres no use denying it any longer. But our feelings arent the only thing that wont stay buried, our past resurfaces and threatens to destroy our second chance at happiness. When our love is tested once again, will we be strong enough to stand together?


Edições (1)

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Could Have Been Us


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A Moment for Us
Return to Us
A Chance for us ( Willow Creek Valley 4)
Volte Para Mim

Resenhas para Could Have Been Us (3)

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on 4/5/22

Comecei com certa expectativa, que até se manteve por um tempo, mas depois não emocionou muito... Adorei os pontos entre os irmãos e acho que o amor entre Stella e Jack era genuíno, mas infelizmente não aqueceu meu coração. Achei muitas pontas soltas e pontos que se desenrolaram rápido demais.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.9 / 91
ranking 27
ranking 54
ranking 15
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ranking 1



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14/06/2022 02:45:40

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