Learn Like a Pro: Science-Based Tools to Become Better at Anything (English Edition)

Learn Like a Pro: Science-Based Tools to Become Better at Anything (English Edition) Barbara Oakley PhD...


Learn Like a Pro: Science-Based Tools to Become Better at Anything (English Edition)

A book for learners of all ages containing the best and most updated advice on learning from neuroscience and cognitive psychology. Do you spend too much time learning with disappointing results? Do you find it difficult to remember what you read? Do you put off studying because its boring and youre easily distracted? This book is for you. Dr. Barbara Oakley and Olav Schewe have both struggled in the past with their learning. But they have found techniques to help them master any material. Building on insights from neuroscience and cognitive psychology, they give you a crash course to improve your ability to learn, no matter what the subject is. Through their decades of writing, teaching, and research on learning, the authors have developed deep connections with experts from a vast array of disciplines. And its all honed with feedback from thousands of students who have themselves gone through the trenches of learning. Successful learners gradually add tools and techniques to their mental toolbox, and they think critically about their learning to determine when and how to best use their mental tools. That allows these learners to make the best use of their brains, whether those brains seem naturally geared toward learning or not. This book will teach you how you can do the same.

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Learn Like a Pro: Science-Based Tools to Become Better at Anything (English Edition)


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Livro fácil e inovador
on 28/3/23

O livro fala, com bastante embasamento científico, sobre o aprendizado e o processo de aprendizado. Apesar dos autores serem da área de exatas, o livro aborda sobre o processo de aprendizado na área de humanas também. Um ótimo diferencial desse livro é que ele fala muito sobre provas, então se quiser aprender sobre como estudar para uma prova específica esse livro é essencial. Algo muito legal do livro (que esta presente em todos os livros dos autores) é a linguagem acessível para to... leia mais


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