Late Night Kisses

Late Night Kisses Whitney G.


Late Night Kisses

A Steamy Winter Novella

The Official Recipe for Nathan Benson:

2 cups cockiness
1 mouth that's far sexier when it's shut
1 huge ego that can't fit in the damn mixer
1 BIG, HARD co--Well, you get the picture...

As a pastry chef, I can tell exactly what a man is made of the moment he walks through my shop's frosted glass doors.

So, the moment Nathan Benson showed up over half an hour late to our blind date (with no explanation), caught the gaze of every woman in the diner with his panty-melting smile, and said, "I personally don't think we should waste any more of our time sitting here talking," after only five minutes of conversation, I knew he was one of the rudest concoctions ever created.
I also knew there was no way in hell I was going to see him again.

Or, so I thought.

Days after I abandoned him on our first date, he tracked me down with one hell of a way to get me to agree to a second one. (And a third, and a fourth.) I swear if it weren't for the fact that I was being blackmailed by the sexiest man I've ever met, I would've reported him to the authorities a long time ago.

Then again, holding out for a few late night kisses (and maybe a bit more) from his mouth of perfection may not be a complete recipe for disaster after all...

**This is a steamy, contemporary romance novella.**


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Late Night Kisses


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Last night kisses
on 26/4/20

Já li vários livros hot, e definitivamente este não é dos melhores. Acho que o desenvolvimento da relação foi forçada. Acho que se ela tivesse criado alguns obstáculos teria dado uma melhorada nesse plot. E outra coisa que não gostei, foi o desenvolvimento dos personagens que era nenhum. E o fato de como chateamento da christina era facilmente superado quando o mocinho usava o seu charme. A única coisa que achei interessante foi o fato de haver receitas pra cada situação específica.... leia mais


Avaliações 3.4 / 157
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cadastrou em:
19/12/2018 14:17:57
editou em:
30/01/2019 16:44:53