Lady Smoke

Lady Smoke Laura Sebastian


Lady Smoke (Ash Princess Trilogy #2)

The sequel to the instant New York Times bestseller that was "made for fans of Victoria Aveyard and Sabaa Tahir" (Bustle), Lady Smoke is an epic new fantasy about a throne cruelly stolen and a girl who must fight to take it back for her people.

The Kaiser murdered Theodosia's mother, the Fire Queen, when Theo was only six. He took Theo's country and kept her prisoner, crowning her Ash Princess--a pet to toy with and humiliate for ten long years. That era has ended. The Kaiser thought his prisoner weak and defenseless. He didn't realize that a sharp mind is the deadliest weapon.

Theo no longer wears a crown of ashes. She has taken back her rightful title, and a hostage--Prinz Soren. But her people remain enslaved under the Kaiser's rule, and now she is thousands of miles away from them and her throne.

To get them back, she will need an army. Only, securing an army means she must trust her aunt, the dreaded pirate Dragonsbane. And according to Dragonsbane, an army can only be produced if Theo takes a husband. Something an Astrean Queen has never done.

Theo knows that freedom comes at a price, but she is determined to find a way to save her country without losing herself.

Fantasia / Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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Lady Smoke
Lady Smoke


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Cinco fatos sobre o livro
on 9/9/20

i. A personagem principal, apesar de adolescente, viveu muitas experiências que - de acordo com o primeiro livro - fizeram ela amadurecer. Isso tudo é jogado no lixo no segundo. ii. O que me fez ler ele inteiro foi a esperança dela usar o poder que dizia que era proibido pelos deuses. Essa parte da origem dos poderes e do contrastre entre crenças e o científico me atraiu. iii. A narrativa não me atraiu nem um pouco, é bem sem-sal. Mas gostei um pouco da ambientação, na maior parte das ... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.9 / 116
ranking 38
ranking 39
ranking 18
ranking 5
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
04/07/2018 23:40:38
editou em:
08/07/2018 19:40:43

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