If I

If I'm Being Honest Austin Siegemund-Broka
Emily Wibberley


If I'm Being Honest

High school senior Cameron Bright’s reputation can be summed up in one word: bitch. It’s no surprise she’s queen bee at her private L.A. high school—she’s beautiful, talented, and notorious for her cutting and brutal honesty. So when she puts her foot in her mouth in front of her crush, Andrew, she fears she may have lost him for good. In an attempt to win him over, Cameron resolves to “tame” herself, much like Katherine in Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew. First, she’ll have to make amends with those she’s wronged, which leads her to Brendan, the guy she labeled with an unfortunate nickname back in the sixth grade. At first, Brendan isn’t all that receptive to Cameron’s ploy. But slowly, he warms up to her when they connect over the computer game he’s developing. Now if only Andrew would notice…But the closer Cameron gets to Brendan, the more she sees he appreciates her personality—honesty and all—and wonders if she’s compromising who she is for the guy she doesn’t even want.

Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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If I


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Surpreendentemente incrível! Quero mais!
on 1/4/20

Como eu amei este livro, meu deus do céu! Definitivamente não estava esperando gostar tanto. Até comprei em ebook, porque achei que acabaria sendo um livro qualquer coisa do qual não conseguiria me desfazer depois. E agora eu preciso comprar ele em livro físico, porque exijo tê-lo na minha estante! Me surpreendeu desde o começo, confesso! Por um lado, entendo por que alguém pode não gostar dele. É basicamente a história de uma garota branca e que fala tudo na cara a ponto de ser cru... leia mais


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ranking 37
ranking 17
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30/06/2018 19:38:22

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