I Believe in a Thing Called Love

I Believe in a Thing Called Love Maurene Goo


I Believe in a Thing Called Love

All's fair in love and Korean dramas

Desi Lee knows how carburetors work. She learned CPR at the age of five. As a high school senior, she has never missed a day of school and never had a B. But in her charmed school life, there's one thing missing―she’s never had a boyfriend. In fact, she’s a known disaster in romance, a clumsy, stammering humiliation magnet.

When the hottest human specimen to have ever lived walks into her life one day, Desi decides it's time to tackle her flirting failures. She finds her answer in the Korean dramas her father has watched obsessively for years―in which the hapless heroine always seems to end up in the arms of her true love by episode ten. Armed with her “K Drama Rules for True Love,” Desi goes after the moody, elusive artist Luca Drakos. But when the fun and games turn to feelings, Desi finds out that real-life love is about way more than just drama.

Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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I Believe in a Thing Called Love


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Amor de cinema, ops, dorama
on 10/5/20

Particularmente sou fã de doramas e fiquei bem animada quando vi a premissa do livro. Desi Lee dedica sua vida aos estudos para alcançar um sonho e, ainda que sobre pouco tempo pra namorar, bem, ela até que tenta. Só que ela é um desastre total. Eu gostei de Desi no início, a relação que ela tem com o pai, com os amigos, sua determinação mas as coisas começaram a mudar um pouco quando ela conhece Luca. Ela decide fazer da vida dela um dorama, se portar como a protagonista e isso inclui... leia mais


Avaliações 3.2 / 24
ranking 4
ranking 46
ranking 29
ranking 17
ranking 4



cadastrou em:
09/10/2016 17:38:32
editou em:
01/08/2017 19:33:51

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