How to End a Love Story

How to End a Love Story Yulin Kuang


How to End a Love Story

The brilliant contemporary romance novel debut from Yulin Kuang, the acclaimed screenwriter of Emily Henry’s People We Meet on Vacation and director of the forthcoming Beach Read feature film.

Helen Zhang hasn’t seen Grant Shepard once in the thirteen years since the tragic accident that bound their lives together forever.

Now a bestselling author, Helen pours everything into her career. She’s even scored a coveted spot in the writers’ room of the TV adaptation of her popular young adult novels, and if she can hide her imposter syndrome and overcome her writer’s block, surely the rest of her life will fall into place too. LA is the fresh start she needs. After all, no one knows her there. Except…

Grant has done everything in his power to move on from the past, including building a life across the country. And while the panic attacks have never quite gone away, he’s well liked around town as a screenwriter. He knows he shouldn’t have taken the job on Helen’s show, but it will open doors to developing his own projects that he just can’t pass up.

Grant’s exactly as Helen remembers him—charming, funny, popular, and lovable in ways that she’s never been. And Helen’s exactly as Grant remembers too—brilliant, beautiful, closed off. But working together is messy, and electrifying, and Helen’s parents, who have never forgiven Grant, have no idea he’s in the picture at all.

When secrets come to light, they must reckon with the fact that theirs was never meant to be any kind of love story. And yet… the key to making peace with their past—and themselves—might just lie in holding on to each other in the present.

Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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How to End a Love Story


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1 week, 4 days ago

Existe aquele tipo de escrita que poucos autores conseguem fazer. Que é simplesmente tão deliciosa de se ler que você se sente imediatamente, desde a primeira frase, mergulhando naquela história. Aquele tipo de escrita que acredito que todo autor sonha em ter. Eu estava na página 13 quando percebi que estava lendo uma das melhores narrativas que já tive a oportunidade de conhecer (e olha que já li muita coisa rsrs). O jeito que a Yulin Kuang escreve é tão inteligente, fluido, ao mesm... leia mais


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Fayne Rafaela
cadastrou em:
09/01/2024 10:52:08
Fayne Rafaela
editou em:
09/01/2024 10:52:25

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