His Frozen Heart

His Frozen Heart Georgia Le Carre


His Frozen Heart

A Mountain Man Romance


I came to Dogwood Mountain a broken man, to get away from everything in my life, my obscene wealth, my family, my so-called friends, my sins. I needed the remoteness, the fresh air, and the bitterness of surviving in an inhospitable land.
After two years my isolation was shattered.
Why of all the mountains in the good ole US of A, did she have to crash her car on mine. And why of all the women in the world did she have to be the most beautiful creature I'd laid eyes on.
Now I'm stuck in a small cabin with the scent of her skin in my nostrils, her clear eyes following me around, and her soft curves tempting me.
When she laughs, the sound reminds me of the past I left behind.
Until she came my heart was a block of ice, but now there is a fire in my veins, and a craving in my loins. There's no denying. I want to taste her and make her mine.

But that's the last thing I need.
I tell myself, I'll get rid of the temptation in the morning, take her into town and bid her goodbye, but that was before the radio forecasts a blizzard.
Looks like we could be holed up here for days.

Heaven help me, but if I claim her now...letting her go won't be an option.

A full length 50000+ plus words standalone with no cheating and guaranteed HEA. File Includes bonus stories.

Erótico / Romance

Edições (1)

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His Frozen Heart


Resenhas para His Frozen Heart (2)

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Cade & Katrina
on 22/4/20

Não foi o melhor livro que já li, porém gostei da história desse. Admito que não esperava muito, e ele me surpreendeu. Principalmente no final, quando o segredo da Katrina foi revelado me pegando de surpresa, e olha que já desconfiava. Achei que a história foi bem rápida, e tinha um grande potencial se fosse mais desenvolvida e detalhada.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.1 / 16
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ranking 31
ranking 56
ranking 13
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cadastrou em:
16/03/2020 23:47:53

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