Greenwich Park

Greenwich Park Katherine Faulkner


Greenwich Park

A twisty, whip-smart debut thriller about impending motherhood, unreliable friendship, and the high price of keeping secrets.

Helen's idyllic life - handsome architect husband, gorgeous Victorian house, and cherished baby on the way (after years of trying) - begins to change the day she attends her first prenatal class and meets Rachel, an unpredictable single mother-to-be. Rachel doesn’t seem very maternal: she smokes, drinks, and professes little interest in parenthood. Still, Helen is drawn to her. Maybe Rachel just needs a friend. And to be honest, Helen’s a bit lonely herself. At least Rachel is fun to be with. She makes Helen laugh, invites her confidences, and distracts her from her fears.

But her increasingly erratic behavior is unsettling. And Helen’s not the only one who’s noticed. Her friends and family begin to suspect that her strange new friend may be linked to their shared history in unexpected ways. When Rachel threatens to expose a past crime that could destroy all of their lives, it becomes clear that there are more than a few secrets laying beneath the broad-leaved trees and warm lamplight of Greenwich Park.

Ficção / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (2)

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Greenwich Park
Greenwich Park


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Final Surpreendente.
on 17/6/23

Helen está grávida e parece viver muito bem com seu marido em uma linda casa deixada pelos pais, tem dois irmãos e uma cunhada da qual sente inveja e tudo parece estar bem, até que ela conhece Rachel no curso para gestantes. Rachel é misteriosa e tenta forçar uma amizade com Helen e depois disso a vida de Helen muda completamente. No início da história não acontece muitas coisas e começa a melhorar depois que passa da metade. As personagens principais me incomodaram bastante, sendo ... leia mais


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