Great Gatsby

Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald


Great Gatsby

Considered one of the most important books of the 20th century, The Great Gatsby is an acclaimed success with audiences and critics. In almost a hundred years of its publication, it has had adaptations for cinema, theater and opera and has won thousands of fans, including J. D. Salinger.
In Jay Gatsby's time, jazz is the music of the moment, wealth seems to be everywhere, gin is the national drink (in spite of the prohibition) and sex becomes an American obsession. The protagonist of this novel is a generous and mysterious host who opens his luxurious mansion to the most extravagant parties. The book is narrated by bankrupt aristocrat Nick Carraway, who goes to New York to work as a stockbroker. She starts to socialize with her cousin, Daisy, with whom Gatsby is in love, her husband, Tom Buchanan, and the golfer Jordan Baker, all part of the traditional aristocracy.
At the root of the drama, as in Fitzgerald's other books, is money. But Gatsby's obsessive romanticism about Daisy stands in opposition to the materialism of the American dream, translated exclusively into wealth. Acclaimed by critics since publication in 1925, The Great Gatsby is the masterpiece of Scott Fitzgerald, icon of the "lost generation" and the expatriates who came to Europe in the 1920s.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (68)

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The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby


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Resenhas para Great Gatsby (189)

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on 20/2/13

Fitzgerald disse ao seu editor a respeito do livro: "é um trabalho puramente criativo - não são as fantasias desprezíveis das minhas outras histórias, mas a imaginação firme de um mundo sincero e ainda sim radiante" E é verdade. Quem conhecem os contos de Fitzgerald sabe que não há nada de desprezível neles; no entanto há algo de especial em The Great Gatsby que o torna único. É um daqueles livros que deixa no leitor um oco, como se algo não estivesse certo no mundo. Pois então n... leia mais

Vídeos Great Gatsby (2)

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Eu li, e Dai? #25 - Por que ler e ver The Great Gatsby

Eu li, e Dai? #25 - Por que ler e ver The Gre


Avaliações 3.9 / 2.215
ranking 35
ranking 38
ranking 22
ranking 4
ranking 1



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