Evading Wicked Blaze

Evading Wicked Blaze M. Sinclair


Evading Wicked Blaze (The Wronged #2)

For now. Mark my words, though, he would suffer at my hands. It was only a matter of when. Instead of burying my hand in his chest cavity and removing his heart, I was making my way through an unknown realm with my men. A realm that we were finding featured terrifying bloodthirsty creatures and even more dangerous magic users. Something I hadn’t thought was possible, considering the men I was with. My human, mage, wolf, fox, magic eater, and I were in survival mode. That was the only way to make it day to day here and despite the serious nature of our situation, I was finding the natural connection between the six of us was only growing stronger as we went from being prisoners into something a lot more vicious. A lot more savage. But what happens when we are captured again? This time not by a prison but the cannibalistic village of Feòil. Let’s just say, I am really hoping that the magic I garnered from that supposedly 'special' stone at Wicked Blaze was going to make an explosive appearance or else we were landing ourselves on the menu. I may have been confused on what we were going to do next, besides finding Drake, but I knew I didn’t want to die. I knew there was more to my life than being eaten alive after escaping one of the most dangerous prisons in all of the realms. The more time I explored this realm though? The more I’ve come to realize that this land may not be as unfamiliar as I assumed. The more I realize that there may be things about my life that I’d previously forgotten. Let’s just hope that while we were evading Wicked Blaze, we weren’t landing ourselves in a far more dangerous situation.

Evading Wicked Blaze is Book 2 of The Wronged series. This trilogy will be a fast burn reverse harem filled with dark subject matters, a strong FMC, and insane men. Follow Valentina and her men on a journey filled with revenge, steam, and strong characters that don’t fit the norm of society. A bit crazy? That is just their normal. This Fantasy medium/fast burn RH contains several dark themes that readers should be aware of: swearing (I know surprising, right?), gore, violence, assault, and sexual themes suitable for +18. Additionally, this book does have mature light m/m themes that develop over time. This will end on a cliffhanger! Book 3 is already up for pre-order.


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Evading Wicked Blaze



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cadastrou em:
07/01/2023 22:40:46
editou em:
18/10/2023 17:11:44

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