Eternally Bound

Eternally Bound Brenda K. Davies


Eternally Bound

The Alliance #1

Over the centuries, anything Ronan once found pleasure in has faded away to be replaced with blood, death, and the ever-constant battle not to give in to the more savage side of his vampire nature. Every time he wakes, he questions if that day will be the one he succumbs to the beckoning darkness.

As a born hunter, Kadence has been sheltered from the world for her entire life, never allowed to step beyond the walls of her home. It’s not a life she’s happy with, but it’s one she’s come to accept. Everything changes the day her father is slaughtered by a vampire and she escapes the walls that have kept her caged.

After she’s attacked by the monster responsible for killing her father, Kadence is unsure how to react when she’s rescued by Ronan. Though raised to hate vampires, she finds herself irresistibly drawn to Ronan as she slowly begins to realize that everything she’s been taught over the years may not be true. Now, she must decide what she wants more; Ronan, her family, or the elusive freedom she’s finally found.

***The Alliance Series is a spin off of the Vampire Awakenings series. You do not have to read the Vampire Awakenings Series in order to follow the Alliance Series.***

Fantasia / Ficção

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Eternally Bound


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A Irmandade da Adaga Negra? | 4/5★
on 5/11/21

Não estou dizendo ou insinuando que esse livro é uma "cópia" da famosa série A Irmandade da Adaga Negra - pois não é - mas sim dizendo que tem toda uma pegada parecida a série. Ou seja, se você por acaso a curte, recomendo investir seu tempo na leitura desse livro também!!! Como o primeiro livro somos introduzidos ao mundo, aos vampiros, aos caçadores, aos Selvagens (...), ao primeiro casal (Kadence e Ronan). Uma estória apaixonante com personagens ainda mais cativantes, e o m... leia mais


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05/09/2018 09:57:13

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