End of Watch

End of Watch Stephen King


End of Watch (Bill Hodges #3)

In Room 217 of the Lakes Region Traumatic Brain Injury Clinic, something has awakened. Something evil. Brady Hartsfield, perpetrator of the Mercedes Massacre, where eight people were killed and many more were badly injured, has been in the clinic for five years, in a vegetative state. According to his doctors, anything approaching a complete recovery is unlikely. But behind the drool and stare, Brady is awake, and in possession of deadly new powers that allow him to wreak unimaginable havoc without ever leaving his hospital room.
Retired police detective Bill Hodges, the unlikely hero of "Mr. Mercedes" and "Finders Keepers," now runs an investigation agency with his partner, Holly Gibney the woman who delivered the blow to Hartsfield s head that put him on the brain injury ward. When Bill and Holly are called to a suicide scene with ties to the Mercedes Massacre, they find themselves pulled into their most dangerous case yet, one that will put their lives at risk, as well as those of Bill s heroic young friend Jerome Robinson and his teenage sister, Barbara. Brady Hartsfield is back, and planning revenge not just on Hodges and his friends, but on an entire city.

Ficção / Horror / Literatura Estrangeira / Terror

Edições (2)

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End of Watch
End of Watch


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Mr. Mercedes
Finders Keepers
Mr. Mercedes
Achados e Perdidos

Resenhas para End of Watch (6)

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uma abelha passando na timeline: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
on 27/12/21

Para falar de "Último Turno", terei que revelar algumas coisas de "Mr. Mercedes" e "Achados e Perdidos". O detetive Bill Hodges retorna em "Último Turno" para investigar um crime que parece suicídio, mas pode ser homicídio. Com a ajuda da adorável Holly e do gostoso Jerome (com todo o respeito), vão descobrir que alguém muito conhecido pode estar por trás do crime, e pode ser um pouquinho difícil de fazê-lo parar... No final de "Achados e Perdidos" já dá pra ter uma leve ideia de... leia mais


Avaliações 4.3 / 105
ranking 53
ranking 36
ranking 8
ranking 2
ranking 1



Camila Vieira
cadastrou em:
14/04/2016 16:56:56
editou em:
17/11/2022 10:01:50

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