
Eileen Ottessa Moshfegh



So here we are. My name was Eileen Dunlop. Now you know me. I was twenty-four years old then, and had a job that paid fifty-seven dollars a week as a kind of secretary at a private juvenile correctional facility for teenage boys. I think of it now as what it really was for all intents and purposes—a prison for boys. I will call it Moorehead. Delvin Moorehead was a terrible landlord I had years later, and so to use his name for such a place feels appropriate. In a week, I would run away from home and never go back.

This is the story of how I disappeared.

The Christmas season offers little cheer for Eileen Dunlop, an unassuming yet disturbed young woman trapped between her role as her alcoholic father’s caretaker in a home whose squalor is the talk of the neighborhood and a day job as a secretary at the boys’ prison, filled with its own quotidian horrors. Consumed by resentment and self-loathing, Eileen tempers her dreary days with perverse fantasies and dreams of escaping to the big city. In the meantime, she fills her nights and weekends with shoplifting, stalking a buff prison guard named Randy, and cleaning up her increasingly deranged father’s messes. When the bright, beautiful, and cheery Rebecca Saint John arrives on the scene as the new counselor at Moorehead, Eileen is enchanted and proves unable to resist what appears at first to be a miraculously budding friendship. In a Hitchcockian twist, her affection for Rebecca ultimately pulls her into complicity in a crime that surpasses her wildest imaginings.

Played out against the snowy landscape of coastal New England in the days leading up to Christmas, young Eileen’s story is told from the gimlet-eyed perspective of the now much older narrator. Creepy, mesmerizing, and sublimely funny, in the tradition of Shirley Jackson and early Vladimir Nabokov, this powerful debut novel enthralls and shocks, and introduces one of the most original new voices in contemporary literature.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (5)

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Meu nome era Eileen
Meu nome era Eileen (eBook)


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Morte em suas mãos
Apague a luz se for chorar
Meu ano de descanso e relaxamento

Resenhas para Eileen (149)

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A arte de desaparecer
on 19/8/21

Eileen é um belo estudo de personagem. O livro é narrado em primeira pessoa e a gente realmente se sente imerso na mente de Eileen. Uma mente perturbada, que flerta coma sociopatia. O livro é tenso e a gente fica esperando uma tragédia acontecer a qualquer momento. A escrita é esplêndida. Se você gosta de livros que focam mais no enredo do que na escrita ou personagem, provavelmente você não vai curtir esse livro. Ele quase não têm enredo. Nada de fato acontece até o fim. Eu vejo esse... leia mais

Vídeos Eileen (1)

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EILEEN - Official Trailer

EILEEN - Official Trailer


Avaliações 3.5 / 591
ranking 17
ranking 47
ranking 27
ranking 7
ranking 1



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20/07/2023 13:19:23
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20/07/2023 13:20:01

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