Dorothy Must Die Stories Volume 2: Heart of Tin, The Straw King, Ruler of Beasts

Dorothy Must Die Stories Volume 2: Heart of Tin, The Straw King, Ruler of Beasts Danielle Paige


Dorothy Must Die Stories Volume 2: Heart of Tin, The Straw King, Ruler of Beasts

A collection of three prequel novellas to the New York Times bestselling Dorothy Must Die series by Danielle Paige!

Follow Dorothy’s iconic companions from the beloved classic The Wonderful Wizard of Oz as each of their gifts becomes key to the downfall of Oz. After Dorothy Gale wished her way home and long before Amy Gumm found herself in Oz, Dorothy’s friends left the Road of Yellow Brick to go their separate ways. But in a place like Oz, where magic and temptation lurk, the gifts from the Wizard begin to take on a life of their own. The Tin Woodman becomes twisted with longing. The Scarecrow develops a taste for plotting. And doubt consumes the Cowardly Lion.

Kiss the land where troubles melt like lemon drops good-bye. Here there’s danger around every corner, and magical shoes won’t be able to save you.

Jovem adulto

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Dorothy Must Die Stories Volume 2: Heart of Tin, The Straw King, Ruler of Beasts


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"You love the fight more than you love what you are fighting for."
on 2/5/18

Eu gosto muito desse background que a Danielle Page dá para os personagens e para a terra de Oz nesses contos - não só enriquece a história principal como dá mais profundidade aos personagens. Desse trio de contos, meu favorito com certeza foi o Ruler of Beasts, que contou a história do Leão covarde. Simplesmente amei como o personagem foi desenvolvido, a relação dele com a Ozma (que por falar nisso, é uma personagem bem misteriosa mas interessante e muito legal), como ele lidou com Gl... leia mais


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Yasmim de Oliveira
editou em:
11/10/2019 14:05:57

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