Dorothy Must Die Stories: No Place Like Oz, The Witch Must Burn, The Wizard Returns

Dorothy Must Die Stories: No Place Like Oz, The Witch Must Burn, The Wizard Returns Danielle Paige


Dorothy Must Die Stories: No Place Like Oz, The Witch Must Burn, The Wizard Returns

A collection of three prequel novellas to the New York Times bestselling Dorothy Must Die series by Danielle Paige!

These three prequel novellas to the New York Times bestselling Dorothy Must Die series follow the iconic characters from the beloved classic The Wizard of Oz as their lives intertwine to bring about the downfall of Oz. Dorothy begins a journey down a darker path. Glinda the Good Witch may not be so Good. And the Wizard realizes that Oz is his destiny. Kiss the land where troubles melt like lemon drops goodbye. Here there's danger around every corner and magical shoes won't be able to save you.

Long before Amy Gumm got swept away from a Kansas trailer park . . . Dorothy Gale received a mysterious package on the night of her 16th birthday: a pair of red high-heeled shoes. And with a knock of her heels, Dorothy returned to the magical land that made her a star—and Oz would never be the same again.

Jovem adulto

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Dorothy Must Die Stories: No Place Like Oz, The Witch Must Burn, The Wizard Returns


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"Home isn't just where you're born-it's where you belong."
on 5/1/18

Eu adoro quando autores escrevem esses contos que mostram um pouco do passado de alguns personagens ou somente cenas extras dos livros. Esse primeiro volume de contos da série Dorothy Must Die (que foi um dos meus favoritos do ano) traz ao leitor algumas respostas que ficam nos primeiros livros - como e porque Dorothy voltou a Oz? Como ela ficou má? O que aconteceu com o Mágico desde que ele partiu no final do filme original? Quem é Jellya e como ela se envolveu com a Ordem? Esses três... leia mais


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