Dial A for Aunties

Dial A for Aunties Jesse Q. Sutanto


Dial A for Aunties (Aunties #1)

When Meddelin Chan ends up accidentally killing her blind date, her meddlesome mother calls for her even more meddlesome aunties to help get rid of the body. Unfortunately, a dead body proves to be a lot more challenging to dispose of than one might anticipate, especially when it is inadvertently shipped in a cake cooler to the over-the-top billionaire wedding Meddy, her Ma, and aunties are working at an island resort on the California coastline. It's the biggest job yet for the family wedding business—"Don't leave your big day to chance, leave it to the Chans!"—and nothing, not even an unsavory corpse, will get in the way of her auntie's perfect buttercream flowers.

But things go from inconvenient to downright torturous when Meddy's great college love—and biggest heartbreak—makes a surprise appearance amid the wedding chaos. Is it possible to escape murder charges, charm her ex back into her life, and pull off a stunning wedding all in one weekend?

Ficção / Humor, Comédia / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (3)

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Dial A for Aunties
Dial A For Aunties


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on 22/1/22

Dial A for aunties me pegou desprevenida. Há presente um pouco de tudo que eu aprecio nos livros: é engraçado, tem romance, representatividade, crítica social, relacionamentos familiares, investigação criminal e personagens bem desenvolvidos. E também um pouquinho de desespero e tristeza né? A sensação que eu tive ao longo do livro era de que eu estava assistindo a um filme na sessão da tarde, e então eu descobri que se tornaria um filme da Netflix e tô super ansiosa. Esse livro passa... leia mais


Avaliações 3.7 / 239
ranking 23
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cadastrou em:
06/04/2021 04:40:23
editou em:
03/04/2022 11:06:09

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