Deadly Fate

Deadly Fate Angela Marsons


Deadly Fate

Detective Kim Stone #18

The woman’s bright blonde hair floats in the breeze. She almost looks like she could be resting on the soft green grass. But her brown eyes stare unblinking up at the sky, and the final cut across her mouth is dark with blood. Her words silenced forever…

Late one evening, as the final church bell rings out, Sandra Deakin’s cold and lifeless body is found in the overgrown graveyard with multiple stab wounds. When Detective Kim Stone rushes to the scene, the violence of the attack convinces her that this murder was deeply personal. What could have caused such hate?

As the team dig into Sandra’s life, they discover she believed she could communicate with the dead. Was that why she was targeted? The last people to see her alive were a group of women who had a session with her the night before she was killed, and as Kim and her team pay them a visit, they soon learn each of the women is lying about why they wanted Sandra’s help…

Kim realises she must dig deep and open her mind to every avenue if she’s going to stand a chance at solving this case. And when she learns that Sandra was banned from the church grounds and had been receiving death threats too, she’s ever more certain that Sandra’s gifts are at the heart of everything.

But just when she thinks she’s found a lead, the broken body of a nineteen-year-old boy is found outside a call centre – a single slash across his mouth just like Sandra’s. Kim knows they are now racing against time to understand what triggered these attacks, and to stop a twisted killer.

But they might be too late. Just as Kim sits down at a local psychic show she discovers something that makes her blood run cold. Both Sandra and the call centre were named in an article about frauds. And this show stars the next name on the list. She looks around the audience with a feeling of utter dread, certain the killer is among them…

Crime / Romance policial

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Deadly Fate


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Classificação: +16
on 6/9/23

Meu deus não acredito que já é o livro dezoito da série, eu preciso de mais e parece que passou tão rápido! Mais uma vez essa série conseguiu me viciar, me fez ficar maluca pra descobrir antes da Kim, porém não consegui desvendar o crime kkkkkk Adorei esse livro, essa série só melhora e estou muito animada para o próximo! Obs: O livro dezenove vai ser lançado em novembro!... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
04/08/2023 14:44:28
editou em:
04/08/2023 14:44:46

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