Dark Fae

Dark Fae Caroline Peckham
Susanne Valenti


Dark Fae (Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac #1)

What do a heartless Dragon Shifter, a cold-blooded Basilisk, an arrogant Lion Shifter and a brooding, tattooed Harpy have in common…?


Elise Callisto. Vampire. Angel of vengeance. And a girl on a mission to destroy one of them for murdering my brother. I just don’t know which one did it yet.

When I kicked the ass of a Werewolf who was high on a new and dangerous drug called Killblaze, his final words painted a dark reality for me. The King of Aurora Academy killed my brother. The trouble is, there’s four kings at that school and each of them have motive and cutthroat natures.

Aurora Academy isn’t a place for the faint of heart. To put it lightly, my town is the asshole of Solaria where the dodgiest Fae in the kingdom reside. The school itself is divided by the two gangs who run this town. The Lunar Brotherhood and the Oscura Clan. And guess what? Two of the kings run the gangs at the school, their hatred for each other so fierce I hear a day doesn’t go by without blood being spilled in the halls.

I might be a petite, lilac-haired girl who looks like a fragile doll, but they haven’t been introduced to my fangs yet. And they don’t know why I’m really here. Or that I’ll do whatever it takes to bring down the Fae who took my flesh and blood from me.

I don’t believe in fate, but I do know this… the King who killed my brother is a dead man walking. And I’m prepared to sacrifice my heart, body and soul to ensure I get my revenge.

Fantasia / Ficção / Romance

Edições (4)

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Dark Fae
Dark Fae
Dark Fae


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Resenhas para Dark Fae (68)

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on 26/10/22

A tensão s3xu@l nesse Harém Reverso é gigantesca! A mitologia abordada é incrível, personagens intrigantes, engraçados e v!olentos narrativa engraçada e nada maçante. Elise é uma vampira fod0n@, nada subm!ssa e com a boca suja de um marinheiro que está em busca de vingança pela morte de seu irmão Gareth. "- Você é espirituosa. Eu gosto disso. Você já foi fod!d@ com ódio contra uma árvore? - O quê? - Ela engasga e eu sorrio quando finalmente sacudo as bases daquela fachada arrogante... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 513
ranking 39
ranking 43
ranking 15
ranking 2
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
01/04/2020 16:40:24
editou em:
23/03/2023 21:44:45