Crazy Good

Crazy Good Rachel Robinson


Crazy Good #1

Before there were bikers, or fighters, or even good old-fashioned jerks, there were Navy SEALs. They put the bad in badass because, wellits their job.

Navy SEAL Maverick Hart has everything. Women want him. Grown men idolize him. Little boys want to grow up and be like him. The job, the gloryits all his. Not because its handed to himbecause he works hard for it. The second his sights lock on something, he owns itor destroys it. Unfortunately he does both at the same time.

Windsor Forbes only takes calculated risks in her profession and in her personal life. After being left at the altar by the only person shes ever loved, the very last thing shes looking for is a relationshipespecially the insane brand an arrogant Navy SEAL is offering. Hesitant, yet trusting to a fault, she gives in.

She knew she shouldnt take the chance, especially a second time, but love is irrational and their love is perfect, infallible. Or so she thought

The downfall to having everything is you have that much more to lose. A man like Maverick cant have it all without something slipping out of grasp.

Crazy people perish for love.

Good people live for it.

Love doesnt die. No matter how many bullets you put in it.

*Due to sexual content and graphic language this book is intended for readers 18+*(less)

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Crazy Good


Resenhas para Crazy Good (1)

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on 10/3/15

Normalmente eu escrevo uma resenha quando o livro se destaca de alguma forma para mim, seja positivamente ou negativamente. Por isso, não escrevo resenha de todos os livros que eu leio, porque quando é esse o caso, eu provavelmente não tenho nada de muito importante para falar sobre ele. E eu estou dizendo isso agora, porque esse seria o caso com Crazy Good. Desde que eu comecei a ler eu não consegui parar. A história é emocionante e incrivelmente envolvente. Mas como ele é indie ... leia mais


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