Contractual Obligations

Contractual Obligations Elle Rivers


Contractual Obligations

When Lily is offered a ticket out of the career and life she hates, she takes it. Even if it means signing a contract to marry the attractive but aloof Sebastian Miller for five years.

Her job is simple: play the happy house wife in person and on social media and she will get awarded a million dollars of her inheritance. That money is more than enough for her to start a life on her own and away from her controlling parents. It should be easy.

But four years in, she’s more than ready to be done with this marriage. She’s pretty sure her husband hates her, and she longs for the freedom the end of their contract will bring—a freedom that is threatened when she’s called to meet Sebastian’s father, the orchestrator of this whole sham. She worries he will try to extend their contractual marriage.

What he does is worse.

Forced to move across the country due to a promotion for Sebastian is her worst nightmare, but her only choice is to pretend to be fine.

She prepares for the last year of their marriage to be more cold indifference, but being stuck in a new city shows a sweeter side of Sebastian that Lily never thought possible. Gone is the indifferent man she knows. In his place is the kind and patient man of her dreams.

But their clock is ticking—only one year of their marriage remains. Will they find love or will contractual obligations get in the way?

Contractual Obligations is a full length, standalone novel written in first person. If you like heartwarming romance, protective husbands, and spicy action, then this is the novel for you!


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Contractual Obligations


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Um casamento de fachada? Tô dentro!
on 17/7/23

Recomendo demais para os amantes de romance que se encontram em ressaca porque o ritmo da escrita aqui foi uma coisa de doido. Pensem numa história que fluiu bem, sem descrições desnecessárias mas uma boa construção do ambiente e dos personagens, é essa. O relacionamento de Lily e Sebastian, o desenvolvimento, o cuidado dele com ela ?????? ?Because I still cared, Lily.?... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.6 / 1.010
ranking 23
ranking 40
ranking 27
ranking 8
ranking 1



Lele Terra
cadastrou em:
23/04/2023 18:16:02
editou em:
27/06/2023 20:38:48

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