Cleopatra and Frankenstein

Cleopatra and Frankenstein Coco Mellors


Cleopatra and Frankenstein

Twenty-four-year-old British painter Cleo has escaped from England to New York and is still finding her place in the sleepless city when, a few months before her student visa ends, she meets Frank. Twenty years older and a self-made success, Frank's life is full of all the excesses Cleo's lacks. He offers her the chance to be happy, the freedom to paint, and the opportunity to apply for a Green Card. But their impulsive marriage irreversibly changes both their lives, and the lives of those close to them, in ways they never could've predicted.

Each compulsively readable chapter explores the lives of Cleo, Frank, and an unforgettable cast of their closest friends and family as they grow up and grow older. Whether it's Cleo's best friend struggling to embrace his gender queerness in the wake of Cleo's marriage, or Frank's financially dependent sister arranging sugar daddy dates to support herself after being cut off, or Cleo and Frank themselves as they discover the trials of marriage and mental illness, each character is as absorbing, and painfully relatable, as the last.

As hilarious as it is heartbreaking, entertaining as it is deeply moving, Cleopatra and Frankenstein marks the entry of a brilliant and bold new talent.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Cleopatra and Frankenstein


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Cleópatra e Frankenstein

Resenhas para Cleopatra and Frankenstein (3)

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2022 - #28
on 19/12/22

Esse livro machuca. Ele pega em feridas que a gente às vezes nem sabia que tinha. (Sério galera, muito cuidado com os gatilhos aqui, tem coisa pesada) Os personagens são extremamente reais dentro de seu contexto e acho que esse é um dos motivos pelos quais ele bate tão forte. Você sente que pode ter conhecido alguém passando por algo parecido. Você SABE que tem gente passando por coisa parecida. As vezes a gente fica nessa pira de gostar ou não dos personagens pelas coisas que eles fa... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.9 / 17
ranking 59
ranking 18
ranking 6
ranking 18
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
11/08/2022 21:32:49
editou em:
10/08/2023 14:35:28

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