Chaos at Prescott High

Chaos at Prescott High C.M. Stunich


Chaos at Prescott High (The Havoc Boys #2)

There's one gang you don't piss off at Prescott High, not unless you want them to destroy you.
The Havoc Boys.
My enemies turned friends turned lovers.

These boys have never been saints, but this war that's brewing is resurrecting their inner demons.
Once upon a time, I was their target. This time, I'm calling the shots.
Senior year is my year.

This year, I'm going to bring down my enemies.
This year, I'm going to run my tongue along the blade of vengeance and taste blood.
The Havoc Boys are mine, and we were here first.

You don't mess with a Havoc Girl without paying the price.
You don't start a rebellion without a little bloodshed.
My boys and I don't mind using two wrongs to make a right—I just hope our brewing obsession with one another doesn't kill us all first.

CHAOS AT PRESCOTT HIGH is a 150,000 word mature high school/new adult romance with enemies-to-lovers/love-hate themes. It has brief flashbacks of past bullying incidents as well as foul language and sexual scenes; any sex featured is consensual. This is a reverse harem novel, meaning the main character has more than one love interest. This is book two of three in the series.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Chaos at Prescott High


(5) ver mais
Havoc at Prescott High
Mayhem At Prescott High
Anarchy at Prescott High
Victory at Prescott High

Resenhas para Chaos at Prescott High (106)

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on 9/4/22

Bernadette Blackbird disse apenas uma palavra ?HAVOC? e a sua vida mudou completamente. Foi o maior acerto ou erro da sua vida? Nem ela mesmo sabe. H.A.V.O.C. Hael, Aaron, Victor e Callum são o maior sonho e também maior pesadelo de Bernadette. Conectada com eles por sangue e juramento ela se envolve em mundo caótico e de insegurança para derrubar todos da sua lista de vingança. O segundo livro revela alguns segredos que estavam em aberto desde o primeiro. Compreendemos melhor as mot... leia mais


Avaliações 3.9 / 1.100
ranking 35
ranking 40
ranking 20
ranking 4
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
22/07/2020 02:12:52
editou em:
27/09/2020 13:03:05

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