Call Me by Your Name

Call Me by Your Name André Aciman


Call Me by Your Name

Egyptian-born Aciman is the author of the acclaimed memoir Out of Egypt and of the essay collection False Papers. His first novel poignantly probes a boy's erotic coming-of-age at his family's Italian Mediterranean home. Elio—17, extremely well-read, sensitive and the son of a prominent expatriate professor—finds himself troublingly attracted to this year's visiting resident scholar, recruited by his father from an American university. Oliver is 24, breezy and spontaneous, and at work on a book about Heraclitus. The young men loll about in bathing suits, play tennis, jog along the Italian Riviera and flirt. Both also flirt (and more) with women among their circle of friends, but Elio, who narrates, yearns for Oliver. Their shared literary interests and Jewishness help impart a sense of intimacy, and when they do consummate their passion in Oliver's room, they call each other by the other's name. A trip to Rome, sanctioned by Elio's prescient father, ushers Elio fully into first love's joy and pain, and his travails set up a well-managed look into Elio's future. Aciman overcomes an occasionally awkward structure with elegant writing in Elio's sweet and sanguine voice.

LGBT / GLS / Drama / Romance

Edições (4)

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Call Me By Your Name
Call Me By Your Name
Call Me by Your Name
Call Me by Your Name


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Call Me By Your Name
Quero andar de mãos dadas
Me chame pelo seu nome
As coisas

Resenhas para Call Me by Your Name (164)

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Se não depois, quando?
on 13/5/20

VSF QUE COISA LINDA DO CARALHO chamando todos os cornos porque esse livro representa todos aqueles que já conheceram o amor mas não puderam vivencia-lo por mais que um pouco tempo e nunca o esqueceram QUERIA N FZR PARTE MAS ENFIM é sobre se conhecer e conhecer pela primeira vez outra pessoa verdadeiramente. me falta palavras para descrever o que esse livro fez comigo e o quanto eu chorei. meu oliver... vsf... leia mais

Vídeos Call Me by Your Name (2)

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#VlogLendo Me Chame Pelo Seu Nome: um romance poético e sensível

#VlogLendo Me Chame Pelo Seu Nome: um romance

Tag Simpatia Literária | Tags #011

Tag Simpatia Literária | Tags #011


Avaliações 4.2 / 1.788
ranking 55
ranking 27
ranking 12
ranking 3
ranking 2



editou em:
06/06/2017 03:09:02

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