Bloodied Hands

Bloodied Hands Adelaide Forrest


Bloodied Hands (Bellandi Crime Syndicate #1)

A Dark Mafia Romance


Caught in a bank robbery and staring down the barrel of a gun was not the way I intended to start my day. When the masked man takes one look at my face and mutters my name in shock, my world stops.

And then he follows it with a plea for forgiveness from the devil himself.

Matteo uses the opportunity to invade my life, reclaiming me as if the past twelve years never happened. The boy I loved is gone, replaced by hardened cruelty and a dangerous reputation. But Matteo isn’t the only one who wants to make me a pawn in a game I never agreed to play, and freedom comes at a cost.


Ivory comes strutting back into my life and making demands like she’s in charge. She doesn’t understand the games I played to keep her safe during our time apart. The sacrifice I made for her.

She’s an innocent, caught up in the games of men and unprepared to deal with the consequences of her actions. She should have stayed away, but fate brings her back to me. I won’t let her go again. After suffering in the cruelty of my world for too long, I’m ready to feel the light of my Angel in my life once more.

No matter what she has to say about it.

Bloodied Hands is a full-length standalone novel with an HEA, but the series presents a better reading experience when following the suggested order.

This series contains dark elements, including an over-the-top antihero who does as he pleases. Please read at your own discretion.


Edições (1)

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Bloodied Hands


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Until Death Do Us Part
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Cheiro coca e foi escrever livro.
on 30/11/22

Atenção: você irá encontrar spoilers e estarei xingando hein, se você for sensível, para de ler. Sabe uma coisa que me irrita em leitor de dark romance? É o fato de que você não pode falar um "a" sobre um livro dark q eles são da chilique. Esse livro aqui, meus caros amigos, é a maior bomba desse mês pra mim. Em todos os meus anos de leitora, já li muitos livros ruins, mas esse se supera. Não tem nada de bom nesse livro, NADA. O livro começa de uma forma bem fanfic, parece coisa ... leia mais


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Avaliações 2.8 / 65
ranking 12
ranking 23
ranking 37
ranking 12
ranking 15



cadastrou em:
18/08/2021 11:25:04
Jéssica Freire
editou em:
12/11/2021 09:43:37

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