Before I Let Go

Before I Let Go Kennedy Ryan


Before I Let Go

Award-winning and bestselling "powerhouse" author Kennedy Ryan is at her absolute best in this compelling, scorching novel about hope and healing, and what it truly means to love for a lifetime (USA Today).

Their love was supposed to last forever. But when life delivered blow after devastating blow, Yasmen and Josiah Wade found that love alone couldn’t solve or save everything.

It couldn’t save their marriage.

Yasmen wasn’t prepared for how her life fell apart, but she’s is finally starting to find joy again. She and Josiah have found a new rhythm, co-parenting their two kids and running a thriving business together. Yet like magnets, they’re always drawn back to each other, and now they’re beginning to wonder if they’re truly ready to let go of everything they once had.

Soon, one stolen kiss leads to another…and then more. It's hot. It's illicit. It's all good—until old wounds reopen. Is it too late for them to find forever? Or could they even be better, the second time around?

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Before I Let Go


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Antes de me libertar de você

Resenhas para Before I Let Go (9)

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minha leitura mais aguardada do ano
on 16/11/22

já vou logo dizendo que sou fã de carteirinha de Kennedy Ryan e tudo que essa mulher escrever eu vou estar lendo. então, sim, meu juízo pode estar enviezado pelo meu amor por ela. e não, não é uma coisa que dá pra explicar, mas quando alguém escreve um livro tão extraordinário quanto Reel, ela vai ter o meu coração numa bandeja (para toda a eternidade). e claro, precisava ler o novo lançamento dela: Before I Let Go. só pra contextualizar um pouco e não dando muito spoiler: diversos... leia mais


Avaliações 4.0 / 32
ranking 47
ranking 34
ranking 16
ranking 3
ranking 0



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cadastrou em:
21/07/2022 16:17:59
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21/07/2022 16:18:47

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