Assassinos à Mesa do Jantar

Assassinos à Mesa do Jantar Agatha Christie...


Assassinos à Mesa do Jantar

Murder on the Menu

Uma seleção de contos de crime e mistério com histórias de: Agatha Christie, Ruth Rendell, P. D. James, Georges Simenon, Alexander Pushkin, Patricia Highsmith, Stanley Ellin, Rex Stout, Paul Gallico, G. B. Stern, Nicholas Blake, H. C. Bailey, Gaston Leroux, Michael Gilbert, August Derleth e Roald Dahl. Introdução e comentários de Peter Haining (Org.).
Murder on the Menu (1992) by Peter Haining (Editor) -- Cordon Bleu Stories of Crime & Mystery series I & II '-' What better way to do away with an enemy than at the dinner table? Arsenic in the porridge, cyanide in the cocoa, a sauce laced with strychnine, or the chef with a cleaver in his back - the choices are boundless. This collection brings together great crime stories from all eras' |...| 'The crime writers featured in this mouthwatering collection are masters of it, specialising in the elimination of people, with food as the common theme. Each story is a spicy blend of meat and murder, dinner and death, or drink and destruction, illustrating the irresistible temptation of food for both the unsuspecting victim and the determined killer. MURDER ON THE MENU offers three main courses. The first is devoted to an international range of restaurants and cafes, the second to culinary criminal tales with a dash of history, and the third to famous gourmet detectives. The ingredients will whet your appetite as never before - or quench your thirst for ever. Bon appetit! Recipes for murder from the master chefs of crime: GASTON LEROUX - A Terrible Tale DAMON RUNYON - So You Won't Talk! PATRICIA HIGHSMITH - Sauce for the Goose P.D. JAMES - A Very Commonplace Murder AUGUST DERLETH - A Dinner at Imola ROBERT BLOCH - The Feast in the Abbey ALPHONSE DAUDET - The Three Low Masses ALEXANDER PUSHKIN - The Coffin Maker MICHAEL GILBERT - A Case for Gourmets LAWRENCE G. BLOCHMAN - Rum for Dinner GEORGES SIMENON - Under the Hammer REX STOUT - Poison a la Carte ROALD DAHL - Lamb to the Slaughter, etc.

[From Publishers Weekly] 'The house specialty is murder in this substantial, unsurprising collection of classic short mysteries by such master practitioners as Washington Irving, Gaston Leroux, Georges Simenon, Damon Runyon and P. D. James. Roger Zelazny's "Final Dining" is a gothic tale of greed with a twist, featuring a painting of the Last Supper; in Ruth Rendell's "Bribery and Corruption," a ruthless, philandering executive meets the son of a man he wronged in a London restaurant and later receives his just deserts. Paul Gallico serves up a gourmand's delight in the charming "Chef d'Oeuvre," blending suspense and a happy ending with attentive descriptions of a wondrous meal as prepared by a chef in the Loire Valley. Well-known trencherman and detective Nero Wolfe must solve a dinner-party dilemma after a man is fatally poisoned at a banquet prepared by Wolfe's chef Fritz Brenner in Rex Stout's "Poison a la Carte." Agatha Christie's sleuth Hercule Poirot resolves an intricate case of mistaken identity and murder by paying close attention to the victim's dining habits. TV viewers of a certain age will recognize Roald Dahl's "Lamb to the Slaughter" as the basis of a famous prime-time mystery starring Barbara Bel Geddes. These offerings, many previously collected, will delight the palates of readers who have a taste for traditional tales'.

Ficção / Crime / Aventura / Contos / Terror / Suspense e Mistério / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance policial

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on 13/7/21

Eu já sou meio enjoado com contos, depois de tantos traumas na universidade analisando conto aqui, conto ali, acabou que fiquei meio enjoada; e também porque acho que contos bons são difíceis de serem escritos, porque é uma narrativa curta e tals, mais difícil de produzir (não é à toa que o Poe achava que os contos eram uma narrativa superior aos romances... não concordo com ele, mas entendo o porque de ele achar o que achava). Então, tipo, tem vários contos que achei que não foram ... leia mais


Avaliações 3.6 / 29
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cadastrou em:
06/03/2009 11:33:15
editou em:
18/06/2016 02:35:53

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