Allison and the Torrid Tea Party

Allison and the Torrid Tea Party C.M. Stunich


Allison and the Torrid Tea Party (Harem of Hearts #2)

Holy fucking hearts.
Did you just read that?!
If you did, I need your advice.

I met fallen angel princes; I met a Savage Duke; I met a Cheshire Cat.
And remember―how could you possibly forget―I'm the fabled Alice from the prophecy.
Just a twisted, dark version of the girl in Lewis Carroll's old books.

Except in those books, there was a happy ending.
In those books, Alice wasn't dating nine very different, very beautiful men.
But now that I've met the King of Hearts and the Mad Hatter, I'm not sure who the real bad guys are.

I'm the only one who can turn Underland back into Wonderland again.
But if I have a chance to escape the blood, the death, and the intrigue in this place, should I take it?
I'm Allison Liddell, and I've got a choice to make: stay here and fight the darkness, defeat the Anti-Alice, and survive the Torrid Tea Party... or run.

Tweedledee says I can change the world.
So if you're reading this, will you help me decide what I should do?
I want to go home, but I can't leave this place as broken as I found it, now can I?

ALLISON AND THE TORRID TEA PARTY (Book 2 of 3 in the "Harem of Hearts" series) -- is a full-length reverse harem/new adult/dark romance novel, a gritty retelling of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". Don't expect a children's tale; these characters are nothing like their more innocent counterparts. This book contains: drugs, cursing, violence, sex... and love found in the darkest shadows.

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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Allison and the Torrid Tea Party


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Resenhas para Allison and the Torrid Tea Party (57)

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amo quando um livro me supreende
on 4/7/21

ja queria começar dizendo que sim, superou o 1 livro assim em quilometros de distancia. zero defeitos e pra mim uma das melhores releituras de alice na minha opinião que não serve de muito kkkkkk eu estava esperando muito uma coisa que é ne a putaria porque tem o negocio harem no meio mas de novo a autora me entrega tanta coisa a mais, tipo desenvolvimento riquissimo da alisson, e um empoderamento pessoal que assim foi o sabor, eu amooo o quanto ela evolui nesse livro de tipo to aqui, ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 491
ranking 46
ranking 38
ranking 13
ranking 2
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cadastrou em:
24/12/2018 15:55:04
editou em:
23/06/2022 23:16:31

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