A Queen of Thives & Chaos

A Queen of Thives & Chaos K.A. Tucker


A Queen of Thives & Chaos (Fate & Flame #3)

From internationally bestselling author K.A. Tucker comes the third novel in her Fate and Flame series, an adult fantasy novel that should be read in series order.

"You betrayed your brother to steal a broken crown."

The kingdom stands on the brink of chaos. Atticus' grip on the realm is faltering, and as threats arise ever closer to home he is driven to increasingly desperate acts to hold onto power.

With Islor's fate now in the balance, Zander stands to defend the Rift from the oncoming Ybarisan army. With the king's forces scattered, he must risk unlikely new alliances.

And behind the walls of Ulysede, secrets wait for its new queen. Romeria knows that the paths of the hidden city will lead her to answers. But will they be enough to save the realm – or is their fate already sealed?

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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A Queen of Thives & Chaos


(2) ver mais
A Fate of Wrath & Flame
A Curse of Blood & Stone

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on 24/9/23

Embora eu tenha gostado do livro, tive dificuldade em chegar às partes LEGAIS. Eu AMEI o primeiro livro, senti que tinha algo errado no segundo e agora com o terceiro parece que os 528711 POVs arrastaram a história e demorou para eu se quer lembrar quem eram todas essas pessoas (talvez seja minha culpa por não reler os outros livros, mas...). Parece que toda a série não foi bem pensada/planejada desde o início com essa adição de POVs a cada livro, deus sabe o que nos espera no quarto l... leia mais


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Fayne Rafaela
cadastrou em:
05/09/2023 18:24:49
Fayne Rafaela
editou em:
05/09/2023 18:26:16

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