A Photo Finish

A Photo Finish Elsie SIlver


A Photo Finish (Gold Rush Ranch #2)

A Small Town Second Chance Romance

I’ve seen every square inch of Violet Eaton’s delectable body and she has no idea who I am.

Until now.

What happened between us online, in our chats, was meant to stay anonymous and in the past.

Until it didn’t.

It’s a small world, but Ruby Creek is even smaller. When I move to the tiny town, the grumpy facade I’ve created slips when we’re forced to live under the same roof.

Every flush of her cheeks, every time her eyes flare with heat, every time she begs me not to stop, the ice I’ve encased myself in melts. She has me wanting things I can’t want. Things I’ve been dreaming about since I first laid eyes on her two years ago—things I don’t deserve.

But my invisible wounds have the power to ruin us both. As a former soldier, I should have the discipline to walk away, but the more I open up to Violet, the more I want to keep her.

I came back from the war a different man, but my scars are older and deeper than anyone knows—and I planned to keep it that way. I planned to keep my secrets hidden.

Until her.

Jovem adulto / Línguas Estrangeiras / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

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A Photo Finish


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Resenhas para A Photo Finish (8)

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on 14/10/22

no inicio, estava bem interessada no livro e o mutual pining foi divertido, mas ao final eu só queria que acabasse. ficou rodando em cima do mesmo problema “ela me quer? meu deus mas eu não mereço essa mulher!” e todo esse lenga lenga que eu não tenho paciência. eu sei que ele é inseguro, tem ansiedade e baixa auto estima, mas meu deus eles ficam o livro inteiro com medo de conversarem de verdade sobre o que ta acontecendo. ele tem 36 fucking anos meu deus. gostei que o mocinho é bem g... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.6 / 86
ranking 16
ranking 51
ranking 27
ranking 6
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cadastrou em:
07/09/2022 22:16:01
editou em:
26/07/2023 18:59:13

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