A Match Made in Ireland

A Match Made in Ireland Michele Brouder


A Match Made in Ireland (Escape to Ireland #1)

Ruth Davenport writes about romance and happily ever after. But not from experience. After a heartbreaking rejection, she decides a change of scenery is needed. On a whim, she thinks Ireland is the place to go to write her next book. But when she arrives, everything that can go wrong, does. In the middle of the night, she lands on the doorstep of an Irish pub in the middle of nowhere belonging to an enigmatic Irishman.
Sean Hughes needs a woman under his roof like he needs a hole in the head. His policy is to steer clear of all women in general. Besides, he’s too busy running a pub and getting his dream business up off the ground. He has no time to be helping pretty tourists. But he needs some quick cash and she needs accommodation.
A deal is struck that suits them both. As they spend more time together, they begin to see the other in a different light. Can they overcome their fears and take a chance on happiness?

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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Um Acordo Feito na Irlanda
A Match Made in Ireland


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Resenhas para A Match Made in Ireland (17)

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on 28/5/22

?Se fosse eu, a beijaria de maneira apropriada, pensou, irritado. Quando eu terminasse, ela não teria a menor dúvida sobre mim, ela ou nós.? Ruth escreve romances e estava numa fase de bloqueio quando encontrou o anúncio de uma agência de casamento e teve uma inspiração. No mesmo período, ela teve uma rejeição na qual decidiu que mudar de cenário seria ideal e assim ela parte rumo a Irlanda. Mas a viagem já começa a se mostrar desastrosa quando tudo vai dando errado, o que a leva dir... leia mais


Informações não disponíveis
Avaliações 4.1 / 33
ranking 36
ranking 42
ranking 21
ranking 0
ranking 0



Eduarda Graciano do Nascimento
cadastrou em:
20/06/2021 16:53:21
Eduarda Graciano do Nascimento
editou em:
20/06/2021 16:53:58

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