A Ladder to the Sky

A Ladder to the Sky John Boyne


A Ladder to the Sky

Maurice Swift is handsome, charming, and hungry for fame. The one thing he doesn’t have is talent – but he’s not about to let a detail like that stand in his way. After all, a would-be writer can find stories anywhere. They don’t need to be his own.

Working as a waiter in a West Berlin hotel in 1988, Maurice engineers the perfect opportunity: a chance encounter with celebrated novelist Erich Ackermann. He quickly ingratiates himself with the powerful – but desperately lonely – older man, teasing out of Erich a terrible, long-held secret about his activities during the war. Perfect material for Maurice’s first novel.

Once Maurice has had a taste of literary fame, he knows he can stop at nothing in pursuit of that high. Moving from the Amalfi Coast, where he matches wits with Gore Vidal, to Manhattan and London, Maurice hones his talent for deceit and manipulation, preying on the talented and vulnerable in his cold-blooded climb to the top. But the higher he climbs, the further he has to fall…

Drama / LGBT / GLS

Edições (2)

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A Ladder to the Sky
A Ladder to the Sky


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Uma escada para o céu

Resenhas para A Ladder to the Sky (3)

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Que personagem detestável, mas que livro incrível.
on 17/9/22

Tiro o chapéu para o autor, que conseguiu criar um personagem tão detestável quanto sem escrúpulos, com absolutamente nada que o redima e ao mesmo tempo sedutor e interessante, porque eu queria voltar pra leitura sempre que parava pra dar andamento às outras. E adorei que peguei para ler só por causa da LC dos livros já lançados na TAG , não tinha visto ninguém recomendar e agora ele vai entrar para minhas melhores leituras de 2022. O final não me incomodou pois realmente não teria co... leia mais

Vídeos A Ladder to the Sky (1)

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Uma escada para o céu | #292 Li e me decepcionei

Uma escada para o céu | #292 Li e me decepcio


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Avaliações 4.1 / 33
ranking 52
ranking 27
ranking 18
ranking 3
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
03/08/2018 23:30:49

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