You Deserve Each Other

You Deserve Each Other Sarah Hogle


You Deserve Each Other

For fans of The Hating Game, a debut lovers-to-enemies-to-lovers romantic comedy about two unhappily engaged people each trying to force the other to end the relationship--and falling back in love in the process.

Naomi Westfield has an Instagram-perfect life, including the perfect fiancé: Nicholas Rose holds doors open for her, remembers her restaurant orders, and comes from the kind of upstanding society family every bride dreams of being a part of. They never fight, complain, or disagree. They're preparing for their lavish wedding that's three months away. And they are miserably and utterly sick of each other.

Tired of contorting herself to fit the ridiculous standards demanded by Nicholas's family, Naomi wants out of the relationship. But there's a catch: Whoever calls off the engagement will have to foot the enormous bill for the wedding. When Naomi finds out that Nicholas, too, has been feigning contentment, the two of them go head-to-head in a battle of wills to see who can annoy the other into surrendering through pranks, sabotage, and all-out emotional warfare.

But now that they have nothing to lose, they're finally being themselves. They're having so much fun getting on each other's nerves that it starts to feel like something else entirely. As Naomi discovers hidden feelings for Nicholas buried under three years of simmering resentment, she wonders if he feels the same way. Suddenly, the countdown to the wedding that may or may not come to pass feels more like a race to mutual destruction--and Naomi doesn't want to be left alone at the finish line.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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You Deserve Each Other


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Resenhas para You Deserve Each Other (11)

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You deserve each other
on 22/3/23

Eu sei que é ficção mas é uma coisa muito idiota um casal de adultos agir do jeito que eles agem, comunicação zero. no inicio o cara é um folgado, a mãe dele é insuportável (até o final ela é assim) e a personagem principal é uma chata, PORÉM eu morri de rir com as brigas deles, era bem engraçado kkkkkkk. depois de 50% ficou muito legal e passei ódio novamente antes de terminar o livro, não teve epílogo então perdeu mais ponto comigo. indico se você tiver paciência e paz na alma, se n... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 45
ranking 56
ranking 29
ranking 11
ranking 4
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14/07/2019 16:07:21

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